Ghodrat Ashournia

I’ve started my Career in 2002 with developing windows applications using VB6 and later VB.Net and C#.
I’m passionate about my job and as someone who takes responsibility for his personal development, I’ll try to continuously learn and upgrade myself.
I love to get to know other people, work closely with them and learn new things from them. Currently, I’m working at the Unic Company, and I am happy there (feel like home at last).

Experience & Education

Skills & Knowledge


  • C#, .Net, .Net Core
  • Asp.Net Mvc/ Web API, Razor, SignalR, Identity Server
  • Ado.Net, Entity Framework, Linq
  • Elastic Search, Solr
  • TDD, BDD
  • TFS, Azure DevOps, Teamcity
  • Docker, Octopus

Front-End Development

  • HTML5
  • CSS3 / Less / Scss
  • JavaScript, Type Script
  • jQuery
  • VueJS

Sitecore Development

  • Sitecore CMS
  • Sitecore Commerce


  • EnglishGood
  • GermanGood
  • PersianNative

Agile Development Process



Wuppertal, Germany
